2016年11月9日 星期三

電腦問題(0030) - 如何將 Opera 的快速撥號複製到不同的電腦 (Copy Opera's speed dial to another computer)

問題 (Problem)

Opera 41.0 瀏覽器的同步功能可以讓不同電腦用一樣的書籤。但是快速撥號的同步功能卻是讓個別電腦使用個別的快速撥號。

快速撥號的同步功能僅將快速撥號的資料"同步" 到雲端伺服器。所以連接到 https://sync.opera.com/web/ 所看到的快速撥號資料會顯示不同電腦有不同的快速撥號。


抱歉,我沒有找到可以 "自動同步" 的方法,這裡所提供的方法只是去 "人工複製"。所以複製之後,如果有變動,還是需要你手動去更新每一台電腦喔。

如果你有更好的方法可以 "自動同步",麻煩留言給我。非常感謝你的分享!!

In Opera 41.0 browser, the synchronization function for "Speed Dial" is to synchronize your individual computer to the cloud only. So, when you go to  https://sync.opera.com/web/ , you will see each computer/device has its own "Speed Dial".

So, how to synchronize the "Speed Dial", so all my computers/devices can use the same "Speed Dial"?

Please excuse me, because I have not found a way to really do "auto synchronization".  The approaches I provide here are to "manually copy" the "Speed Dial" from one computer to another.

變通方法 (Alternative Approach)

方法一 (Approach 1)

在此先定義你要把電腦 - A 的"快速撥號" 複製到電腦 - B 。步驟如下:

First of all, let's define that I want to copy the "Speed Dial" from Computer-A to Computer-B.

1. 首先你要有 Opera 帳號,並且已經把 電腦 - A 的書籤與快速撥號資料都已經"同步" 到雲端了。

1. Before the following steps, it is assumed that you have already had an Opera account, and you have synchronized all bookmarks and speed dials of Computer-A to the cloud.

2. 從這個步驟開始都是在電腦 - B操作, 到 Opera 瀏覽器的左上角 "O 選單",選擇 "書籤" ,再選 "顯示所有的書籤"。你會看到左側有這個列表:

2. From now on, every steps will be done on Computer-B.  Please go to "O Menu" on the left top corner of Opera Browser, choose "Bookmarks", and then choose "Show all bookmarks". You will see a list like the image shown above on the left window.

3. 點一下 "其他的快速撥號項目"。你應該會看到電腦 A 列在那裏。

3. Click "Other Speed Dials", and you will find Computer-A listed there.

4. 點選那台電腦 (電腦 - A),或點一下電腦 - A 旁邊的小三角形,你就可以看到那台電腦所有的 "快速撥號"。

4. Click Computer-A or the little triangle beside the Computer-A, and the "Speed Dials" of Computer-A will be shown on the right window.

5. 就如同你在做檔案管理那樣,把你想複製的快速撥號的項目用滑鼠框起來,按下 CTRL-C 複製。要用 CTRL-C,不要直接拖曳那些項目到左方視窗的任何地方,那會把那些 "快速撥號" 移出電腦 - A (儲存在雲端的資料) 喔。

5. Simply use mouse to highlight the folders or items at the right window like you do at Windows' file manager, and press CTRL-C to copy those folders/items. Please do not drag the items that you highlight to any item at the left window, because you may move those items out of Computer-A (stored at the cloud server).

6. 接下來在左側的列表 (在一樣上面顯示的那個畫面) 裡面選擇 "快速撥號",目前右邊視窗列出的就是電腦 - B 現有的 "快速撥號"。

6. At the left window, click "Speed Dial", and you will find the "Speed Dials" of Computer-B are listed at the right window.

7. 在右邊的視窗裡 "貼上" (CTRL-V) 剛剛複製來的 "快速撥號" 。完工。

7. Now, you may just "Paste" the folders/items you copied from Computer-A to the right window by press CTRL-V.  DONE.

方法二 (Approach 2)


這個方法是安裝外掛程式 Bookmarks Import & Export



不想隨意安裝外掛程式的人 (像我就不喜歡),或看了留言沒有信心的,就請用方法一好了。

I found this way to export and import bookmarks/speed dials on the Internet. But I didn't give it a try, because I am not comfortable to randomly install apps.

If you are comfortable, you may try it.  But, according to the message at the bottom of that page, it seems that some people had bad experience about that app.

You may share your experience here by leaving a message below, if you like.  Thanks for your sharing.

