2014年9月12日 星期五

電腦問題(0003) - Disable Safety Mode on YouTube for FireFox 如何停用安全模式


This situation happened mostly on Firefox (which might be a safety mechanism of Firefox), because the author did not experience this situation on Internet Explorer nor Google Chrome.

If you would like to watch a video on YouTube, but it shows that:
"This video is unavailable with Safety Mode enabled. To view this video, you will need to disable Safety Mode."


If you believe the video is safe and you would like to watch, please scroll down to the bottom of the page of YouTube, and you will see a bar like this (shown below):

Please change the setting of Safety in red oval to "Off", and you are done.


這個狀況好像大多發生在 Firefox 上面 (可能這是 Firefox 設計的安全設定),因為筆者用 IE 或 Google Chrome 都沒發生這個狀況。

如果在 YouTube 上選到了些影片卻看到:


這時,如果您認為該影片沒問題,因此不需要使用安全模式即可觀看,請到 YouTube 的下方(請見下方的截圖),把這紅色圈起來的這個部分,改為關閉就可以了。

