2014年11月2日 星期日

電腦問題(0007) - Word 不能打開 .doc 或 .docx 檔案

問題 Problem/Question

安裝 Microsoft Word 2013 (或 Word 2010) 之後,要打開網路下載或 email 附加的 .doc 或 .docx 的檔案,竟然都打不開。出來一個錯誤訊息如圖一。

After Microsoft Word 2013 was installed, the files downloaded from internet or email's attachment cannot be opened with Word. If the error message received is the same as the Image 1 below, then you may try the solution provided here.

圖一、錯誤訊息 (Image 1: Error Message)

解決方式 Solution

這是因為 Office 2013 有對於一些網路下載的檔案跟放置於某些可疑位置的檔案有保護機制。因此,當您要打開此類檔案時,除非您有特別允許,否則都沒辦法打開。

一、針對每個下載來的檔案,如果您知道那是安全的,要開之前逐一去"解除封鎖" (每個檔案做一次就可以了)。

Due to a protection mechanism of Office 2013 (and Office 2010), you cannot open the .doc (or .docx, excel or powerpoint) files downloaded from the internet directly or the files located in some suspicious folders. Two options described here can be chosen from to open these files:
1. Choose to unblock each file individually
2. Disable the protection mechanism

The options are described as below:

1. 在檔案管理員裡面,用滑鼠右鍵按下檔案,並選擇"內容" (property)。
2. 在出現的視窗的下方有一個 "解除封鎖" (Unblock) 的按鈕 (如圖二)。按下該按鈕,並按下OK。
圖二、解除封鎖按鈕 (Image 2: Unblock button in Property window of the file)

1. Choose to unblock each file individually
1.1 Right click the file in the File Manager, and choose Property.
1.2 At the bottom of the new window, click the button "Unblock", and then click OK to close the window.

1. 打開 Word 2013
2. 在左上角的 File 選擇 Options
3. 在打開的新視窗的左側有 Trust Center,按下 Trust Center 之後,再按下右下方有一個 Trust Center Settings 的按鈕
4. 接下來會出現一個名稱為 Trust Center 的視窗。按下這個視窗的左側的 Protected View,您會看到右邊有三個保護的設定 (如圖三)。將這三個勾勾取消 (如圖四),選擇 OK,把設定存起來。重開 Word。
5. 如果 Excel 2013 跟 Powerpoint 2013 也有這樣的問題,可以用一樣的方式解決。

圖三、Trust Center 原設定 (Image 3: The default settings in Trust Center Settings)

圖四、取消勾選的安全保護項目 (Image 4: Uncheck all boxes in the Trust Center Settings windows)

2. Disable the protection mechanism
2.1 Open Word 2013
2.2 Click File and select Options
2.3 In the new window, click Trust Center at the left-window, and then click Trust Center Settings button at the right-window. 
2.4 In the new window (called Trust Center), click Protected View at the left-window, and then you will see the setting at the right-window as shown in Image 3 above. Please uncheck all boxes at the right-window (as Image 4). Save the settings.
2.5 Repeat the steps above (from 2.1 to 2.4) with Excel 2013 and Powerpoint 2013.

如果不太確定如何手動來改這些,可以考慮到 WindyLea.com 網站下載自動修改的程式。
(很抱歉,筆者沒有下載並使用這個程式,所以不知道這個程式有沒有問題 (或病毒)。)

If you are not sure how to manually change these setting, please refer to WindyLea.com. A program can be downloaded from that website to change these setting automatically. However, I've never tried it, so please accept my apology, if that program does not work well or cause any trouble.

請注意 (重述一遍) Please Note

這 Protected View 中的三項,原本設定都有打勾,其用意是要保護您的電腦。如果您選擇解除該保護措施,以後您自己要小心並負責判斷您要開啟的檔案是否安全。

The protection mechanism is used to protect your computer, so if you choose to disable it (by unchecking those three items), please make sure you have the ability or some software to identify dangerous files/virus for your computer. 

2 則留言:

  1. 請問您電腦的作業系統是什麼呢?

    1. 您好,很抱歉,因為這是 2014 的 PO 文,我不太記得是 Windows 7 還是 8。當初寫這篇的時候疏忽了,沒把這些資料寫清楚,不好意思。
