2015年5月28日 星期四

電腦問題(0016) - 增加工作列跳躍清單的數量

問題 Question/Problem

Windows 7/8/10 下方的工作列可以建立捷徑,同時有些捷徑像 Word 跟 Excel,當使用者按下滑鼠右鍵時,會列出最近使用的檔案捷徑 (就是 "跳躍清單",如下圖)。原本設定是 10 個捷徑 (Windows 10 是 12 個捷徑),如果有需要該如何增加釘選捷徑的數量?

In Windows 7/8/10, users may pin some applications and programs to Taskbar which support recent/frequent files/websites/folders inside the Jump Lists. To access, the user can right-click a Taskbar button and the list will show up.
However, if it is necessary, how can the user increase the number of items on the Jump Lists?

解決方式 Solution

Windows 10:

Windows 10 的方法 (感謝網友 Hemilun 的提供) 是在登錄編輯程式 (Regedit.exe) 加入一組 key 跟 value。不過,通常不建議使用者自行更動 "登錄編輯程式" 裡面的資料,因為沒弄好是有可能會造成無法開機的風險。所以,要修改的人請先考慮後再繼續。

In Windows 10, a set of (Key-Value) needs to be added to the Registry with Regedit program. However, generally it is not recommended to alter the keys or values in the Registry, so please consider carefully before you decide to do so. Please be careful, if the Registry is damaged, the Windows may not be able to run anymore and you may need to re-install the Windows.  

1. 首先,請按 Win 鍵 + r 鍵,在出現的視窗中打入 regedit 再按下 "確定"。

First of all, please press Win + r , and input "regedit" in the pop-up window. Press OK.

2. 接下來,請在"登錄編輯程式" 左方依次往下選:
At the left side of the Registry Editor, please select the directory of "Advanced", according to the following directory-sequence:

電腦\     (in English, this should be "Computer")


Please double-check if you are in the correct directory as the one in blue circle in the picture below:

3. 在 "登錄編輯程式" 的右方的窗格中的空白處按下右鍵,再選新增 (或在編輯選單中 -> 新增 -> )
DWORD (32-位元) 值(D))

Please right-click at the blank part of the right window and choose "add". (or you may choose "add" when you click "Edit" at the menu bar.)  And then, select "DWORD (32-bit) value (D)".

4. 接下來右邊窗格中會產生一個新的鍵 (可能會叫做"新數值 #1 之類的)。

你需要把這個名稱改為 JumpListItems_Maximum (請確定沒有任何字母拼錯)。

然後再雙擊這個鍵,就會出現 "編輯 DWORD (32-位元) 值" 的視窗。請選擇 "十進位(D)",並在 "數值資料(V)" 的空格中填入你想要的值。在這裡我改為 25,就是選單最多會出現 25 個項目 (或捷徑)。

改好後就可以按下 "確定"。並關掉 "登錄編輯程式"。

And then, you can see a new key at the right part of the Registry Editor (it may be called "New Value #1 or something else). Please rename the new key to be "JumpListItems_Maximum".

Double click this key and then choose Decimal (D) and input 25 (or any number of items you want the list to contain).  Here I choose 25, so I can see 25 items in the jump list.

Once you input the value, please choose OK to close it. And you may exit the Registry Editor by click the cross at the upper right corner.

5. 這樣還沒有真的改過來,因為還需要重新啟動 "檔案總管" explorer 才能生效。


現在,先把 "檔案總管" 關閉:
請按下 Ctrl  + Shift 的同時,在工具列空曠處按下滑鼠右鍵,在下面的選單中選 "結束檔案總管"。(在中國大陸好像是 "退出資源管理器")

Next, you need to restart the windows explorer.

One easy way is to restart the computer, but it may take a while, if your computer starts slowly.

Another way is to right-click the task bar when pressing Ctrl and Shift at the same time. And then choose "Exit Explorer".

6. 再來,要重新啟動 "檔案總管"。請同時按下 Ctrl + Shift + ESC 鍵,會出現 "工作管理員" (中國大陸可能稱為 "任務管理器")。

請選擇 "檔案" -> "執行新工作" (中國大陸:"文件" -> "運行新任務")。然後在 "開啟" 的空格中打入 "explorer" (不要打 " 進去)。再按下 "確定"。

We need to restart explorer.
Please press Ctrl , Shift and  ESC simultaneously, and you will see the Task Manager.

Please choose "Run New Task" under the "File" menu.
Input "explorer" (don't put the quotes) into the box and then click "OK".

Now, it's done.


Windows 7/8:

在工作列空白處按下右鍵會出現以下選項 (如下圖):

Right-click an empty area of the taskbar, and a list of options will show up (as the image below).

選 "內容",接下來 Windows 8 跟 Window 7 有點不一樣。
Please choose "Properties". But the following steps will be different between Window 8 and Windows 7.

Windows 8:

選 "內容" 之後,則可以看到以下視窗。在 "捷徑清單" 中,將 "要顯示在捷徑清單中的最近項目數" 的預設值 "10" 增加到您想要的數量,再按下 "套用" 即可。

After choose "Properties", the following window will appear. 
Click the "Jump Lists" tab. 
Finally, adjust the number of "Number of recent items to display in Jump Lists:" to the value you prefer.
Click "Apply".

Windows 7:

選 "內容",則可以看到以下視窗。再選擇 "自訂"。

Choose " Properties" and then the following windows appears. Please click "Customize".

看到以下視窗,再調整 "要顯示在跳躍清單中的最近項目數" ,在按下 "套用" 就可以了。

After the following window appears, adjust the value of "Number of recent items to display in Jump Lists".
Click "Apply".

4 則留言:

  1. win10不知道要在哪裡增加數量...

    1. 很抱歉,Win 10 到目前為止好像還沒有方法增加,網路有人說可以在 Registy 改,但是我試過沒有成功。如果您有興趣可以試試看。不過,好像蠻多人說沒有用的樣子。

    2. 你好:上面的匿名是我,感謝提醒,已找到修改方式並成功修改。

    3. 謝謝您了 (hemilun)。我的也可以修改了。我會把方法加入到我的部落格上跟大家分享。感謝!
