2015年12月30日 星期三

電腦問題(0026) - 如何手動同步 Google 雲端硬碟


已經從電腦上傳到 Googe 雲端硬碟的檔案,如果在本機上做過修改之後,如何手動同步網路上的雲端硬碟?

How to manually sync Google Drive?


基本上筆者並沒有找到有任何選項可以手動同步。網路上也有很多人說有問過 Google 但是沒有回應或沒有這個選項。

以下介紹三種 "手動的" 方法,可以 "比較快地" 讓雲端硬碟 "自動" 更新檔案。

Although a lot of people asked about this question on the internet, I have not found any official solution (for the user to MANUALLY synchronize between the files on Google Drive and on the Google Drive folder/directory on your PC).

The following three (manual) methods should be able to force (sort of) the Google Drive to update/sync automatically sooner.

方法一 (Method 1):

如果只有少數幾個檔,可以直接先把該檔案從你的電腦上的 "Google 雲端硬碟" 移到自己的電腦上的其他資料夾編輯,等編輯結束再把那些檔案搬回去雲端硬碟。Google 雲端硬碟對於 "移除檔案" 與 "新增檔案" 的更新通常是比較優先的。

When not many files need updated, you may just move the files out of the Google Drive folder on your PC to your local folder/directory on the PC to edit. After finished, move the files back to the Google Drive folder/directory on your PC. The Google Drive will sync very soon.

方法二 (Method 2):

如果檔案沒有太多,可以在電腦上的 "Google 雲端硬碟" 資料夾編輯完檔案後,把編輯過的檔案的檔名稍作修改 (例如在檔名的最後加上個 "-01" 之類的),然後再改回原來的就可以了。檔案名稱的改變也會使雲端硬碟盡快更新。

Again, if not many files need updated, after you finished editing the file on the Google Drive folder on your PC, you may rename the file (such as adding "-01" at the end of the file name). And then change the name back to the original one. Google Drive should update/sync soon.

方法三 (Method 3):


If the files need updated are a lot, this is the way you want to use. (although according to my experience, it may not be very soon sometimes)


Please follow these steps:

1. 請到 Windows 工作列的右方 (銀幕的右下方) 有一個雲端硬碟的標示 (如下)。

At the right-bottom corner, you may find the following icon at the task bar:

在這個標示按下滑鼠右鍵/左鍵 (都可以),會出現同步處裡的訊息視窗。

Please click on the Google Drive icon with either the left or right mouse button.

2. 在這個訊息視窗的右上角有三個點的標示,請用滑鼠左鍵點下,就會看到下方的選項。

Then on the popped up window you will find an icon with three dots. Please click on the three-dot icon.

3. 請選擇 "暫停",過個一、兩秒之後再按 "恢復"。這樣並不會 "馬上" 同步,不過過個幾秒後應該就會同步了。

Please choose "Pause", and then choose "Resume" after about 2 seconds. After several seconds or one minute, the files should be updated/synchronized.



Please note: The methods worked on my computer/system do not guarantee to work on your computer/system as well. So if you want to try my methods, please do it at your own risk. Thanks.

